Source code for

BD of two homologously-linked linear Rouse polymers.

See `homolog_points_to_loops_list` for a description of how the homologous
network structure is handled.

A specialized
from ..plot import PolymerViewer
from .rouse import recommended_dt
from .init_beads import init_homolog_rouse_conf
from .forces import f_conf_ellipse, f_elas_homolog_rouse, f_tether_ellipse

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
from numba import jit

# The constraints for dt here are the same as any other Rouse polymer.
recommended_dt = recommended_dt

[docs]def points_to_loops_list(N, homolog_points): r"""Create loops list for jit_rouse_linked. Parameters ---------- N : int number of beads in each polymer if they were unbound homolog_points : (L,) array_like list of loci indices :math:`{l_i}_1^L, l_i\in[1,N]` (beads) that are homologously paired. Returns ------- N_tot : int final size of the x0 array for the simulation. loop_list : (L,4) np.array data structure used by jit_rouse_linked to correctly compute the spring forces in the network. Notes ----- You can use the output like >>> k1l, k1r, k2l, k2r = loop_list[i] where "k[i][l,r]" refers to the bead demarcating the [l]eft or [r]ight end of a given "homologous loop" on each of the polymers polymer :math:`i\in[1,2]`. Namely, the connectivity structure of our polymer "network" is that for each `k1l, k1r, k2l, k2r in loop_list`, the beads `k1l` thru `k1r` are linked sequentially (as are `k2l` thru `k2r`), but the beads `k1[l,r]` are linked to the beads `k2[l,r]`, respectively. This network structure can represent arbitrary "homologously linked" polymers, i.e. those of the form .. code-block:: text -- --- ------- -- - \/ \/ \/ \/ /\ /\ /\ /\ -- --- ------- -- - Notice in the example below that `loop_list[1:,1]` and `loop_list[:-1,0]` are both the same as `homolog_list`. Example ------- Here's an example for a typical case. With 101 beads per polymer (so 100 inter-bead segments), and one tenth of the beads bound to each other, we might get the following Poisson-space homolog points: >>> N = 101; FP = 0.1 >>> homolog_points = np.where(np.random.rand(int(N)) < FP)[0] >>> homolog_points array([ 5, 18, 27, 59, 68, 82, 90, 94]) These eight homologous junctions would lead to a simulation array length of `2*N - len(homolog_points) = 202 - 8 = 194`. So `N_tot` will be 194, and the `loop_list` will look like >>> N_tot, loop_list = rouse.homolog_points_to_loops_list(N, homolog_points) >>> loop_list array([[ -1, 5, 101, 105], [ 5, 18, 106, 117], [ 18, 27, 118, 125], [ 27, 59, 126, 156], [ 59, 68, 157, 164], [ 68, 82, 165, 177], [ 82, 90, 178, 184], [ 90, 94, 185, 187], [ 94, 101, 188, 193]]) This can be read as follows. The first four beads of each polymer are "free", so first row is saying that beads 0 thru 4 correspond to unlinked beads in polymer 1. bead 5 is the linked bead (has half the diffusivity). since the polymer is of length 101, if there were no connections, the first polymer would extend from bead 0 to bead 100, and the second from bead 101 to bead 201. but since bead "5" is linked to (what would be) bead 106, that bead is omitted from the second polymer, and beads 101-105 are the "free end" of the second polymer. The second row corresponds to the first actual "loop". The two tethering points are beads 5 and 18 of the first polymer. What would have been beads 106 and 119 (that's beads 5 and 18 of the second polymer) are omitted from the list of simulated beads. So bead 106 is linked to bead 5 and bead 117 is linked to bead 18, and beads 106-117 are linked sequentially. Similarly, beads 18 and 118 (and 27 and 125) are linked, with beads 118-125 being linked sequentially. """ homolog_points = np.sort(np.array(homolog_points)) num_points = len(homolog_points) num_loops = num_points + 1 # includes two end non-"loops" (aka free ends) loop_list = np.zeros((num_loops, 4)) if num_loops == 1: return 2*int(N), np.array([[-1,N,N,2*N-1]]).astype(int) # keep track of length of "x0" curr_n = N # there's at least one connection point, thanks to num_loops==1 check above for i in range(0,num_points+1): k1l = homolog_points[i-1] if i > 0 else -1 k1r = homolog_points[i] if i < num_points else N k2l = curr_n beads_in_loop = k1r - k1l - 1 curr_n += beads_in_loop k2r = curr_n - 1 loop_list[i,:] = np.array([k1l, k1r, k2l, k2r]) return curr_n, loop_list.astype(int)
[docs]def split_homologs_X(X, N, loop_list): """Make the (Nt,Ntot,3) output of rouse_homologs to (2,Nt,N,3).""" N_t, N_tot, _ = X.shape X1 = X[:,:N,:].copy() X2 = np.zeros_like(X1) num_loops, _ = loop_list.shape if num_loops == 1: X2 = X[:,N:,:] return X1, X2 curr_i2 = 0 curr_i0 = N for i in range(num_loops): k1l, k1r, k2l, k2r = loop_list[i] num_beads = k1r - k1l - 1 X2[:,curr_i2:curr_i2+num_beads] = X[:,curr_i0:curr_i0+num_beads] curr_i2 += num_beads if i < num_loops - 1: X2[:,curr_i2] = X[:,k1r] curr_i2 += 1 curr_i0 += num_beads return X1, X2
[docs]def split_homolog_x(x0, N, loop_list): """Make an (N_tot,3) array from rouse_homologs into (2,N,3).""" N_tot, _ = x0.shape x1 = x0[:N,:].copy() x2 = np.zeros((N,3)) num_loops, _ = loop_list.shape if num_loops == 1: x2 = x0[N:,:] return x1, x2 curr_i2 = 0 curr_i0 = N for i in range(num_loops): k1l, k1r, k2l, k2r = loop_list[i] num_beads = k1r - k1l - 1 x2[curr_i2:curr_i2+num_beads] = x0[curr_i0:curr_i0+num_beads] curr_i2 += num_beads if i < num_loops - 1: x2[curr_i2] = x0[k1r] curr_i2 += 1 curr_i0 += num_beads return x1, x2
[docs]def sim_loc(i, N, loop_list): """ Return actual indices for bead "i" of the second polymer. Useful for indexing directly into the trucated simulation output array. Parameters ---------- i : (M,) int, array_like beads index is requested for N : int actual number of beads in each polymer loop_list : (~N*FP, 4) int connectivity of the homologous polymers being simulated Returns ------- iloc : (M,) Optional<int>, array_like index in simulation array (or None if the bead is a paired bead) for each bead in `i`. """ iloc = np.array(i).copy() homolog_points = loop_list[1:,0] is_homolog = np.isin(iloc, homolog_points) if np.any(is_homolog): iloc = iloc.astype(object) iloc[is_homolog] = None for ii in np.where(~is_homolog)[0]: iloc[ii] = N + i[ii] - np.sum(homolog_points < i[ii]) return iloc
[docs]def rouse(N, FP, L, b, D, Aex, rx, ry, rz, t, t_save=None, tether_list=None): r""" BD simulation of two homologous yeast chromosomes in meiosis. An arbitrary elliptical-shaped confinement can be chosen, and in order to simulate synaptonemal formation in prophase, some fraction `FP` of the "homologous" beads of the polymer can be "rigidly tethered" to each other. The simulation treats these pairs as being one bead (with half the diffusion coefficient). The elastic force can then be communicated between the two polymers via the connecting loci. Depending on what part of prophase is being simulated, either (or both) of the telomeres or centromeres can be tethered to the confinement by including them in `tether_list`. Currently the confinement force and the tethering force are both cubic w.r.t. the distance from the confining ellipse with the same strength (`Aex`), and have the form described in :func:`f_conf_ellipse` (and :func:`f_tether_ellipse`). Parameters ---------- N : int Number of beads to use in the discretized Rouse chain FP : float `FP`:math:`\in[0,1] is fraction of beads in the chain (out of `N`) that will be tethered to each other L : float Length of the chain (in desired length units) b : float Kuhn length of the chain (in same length units as L) D : float The diffusivity of a Kuhn length of the chain. This can often difficult to measure directly, but see the documentation for the function :func:`measured_D_to_rouse` for instructions on how to compute this value given clean measurements of short-time regular diffusion or Rouse-like MSD behavior Aex : float multiplicative prefactor controlling strength of confinment and tethering forces rx, ry, rz : float radius of confinement in x, y, z direction(s) respectively t : (M,) float, array_like The BD integrator will step time from t[0] to t[1] to t[2] to ... t_save : (m,) float, array_like `t_save`:math:`\subset``t` will be the time steps where the simulation output is saved. Default is `t_save = t`. tether_list : int, array_like list of bead indices that will be tethered to the confinement surface, for now, both polymers must be tethered at the same beads (but this would not be hard to change). Returns ------- tether_list : List<int> Indices (into compressed `Ntot` output) that were tethered to the confinement surface loop_list : (~N*FP, 4) int Output of `points_to_loops_list` used to specify which points are tethered X : (len(t_save), Ntot, 3) output of BD simulation at each time in t_save. The number of output beads Ntot <= 2*N excludes the beads on the second polymer whose positions are determined by the fact that they are tethered to the first polymer. Use :func:`split_homologs_X` to reshape this output into shape `(2, len(t_save), N, 3)`. """ if t_save is None: t_save = t homolog_points = np.where(np.random.rand(int(N)) < FP)[0] N_tot, loop_list = points_to_loops_list(N, homolog_points) # homolog points aren't in the simulation array for the second polymer tethered_p2 = np.setdiff1d(tether_list, loop_list[1:,0]) # calculate their actual positions in the simulation array tether_list = list(tether_list) + list(sim_loc(tethered_p2, N, loop_list)) tether_list = np.sort(np.array(tether_list)).astype(int) x = _jit_rouse_homologs(int(N), int(N_tot), tether_list, loop_list, L, b, D, Aex, rx, ry, rz, t, t_save) return tether_list, loop_list, x
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def _jit_rouse_homologs(N, N_tot, tether_list, loop_list, L, b, D, Aex, rx, ry, rz, t, t_save, x0=None): """ "Inner loop" of rouse_homologs. Some typing stuff: needs N, N_tot as int, needs tether_list/loop_list as dtype == int64, and uses loop_list.shape[0] to get num_loops. This is in particular important for empty list cases, where you need to do stuff like >>> x = rouse._jit_rouse_homologs(int(N), int(2*N), >>> np.array([]).astype(int), >>> np.array([[]]).T.astype(int), >>> L, b, D, Aex, R, R, R, t, t_save) """ N = int(N) N_tot = int(N_tot) rtol = 1e-5 # derived parameters L0 = L/(N-1) # length per bead bhat = np.sqrt(L0*b) # mean squared bond length of discrete gaussian chain Nhat = L/b # number of Kuhn lengths in chain Dhat = D*N/Nhat # diffusion coef of a discrete gaussian chain bead k_over_xi = 3*Dhat/bhat**2 # initial position if x0 is None: x0 = init_homolog_rouse_conf(N, N_tot, loop_list, bhat, rx, ry, rz) # pre-alloc output if t_save is None: t_save = t x = np.zeros(t_save.shape + x0.shape) # setup for saving only requested time points save_i = 0 if 0 == t_save[save_i]: x[0] = x0 save_i += 1 # extract from loop_list for repeated use in loop homolog_points = loop_list[1:, 0] # at each step i, we use data (x,t)[i-1] to create (x,t)[i] # in order to make it easy to pull into a new functin later, we'll call # t[i-1] "t0", old x (x[i-1]) "x0", and t[i]-t[i-1] "h". for i in range(1, len(t)): h = t[i] - t[i-1] dW = np.random.randn(*x0.shape) # -1 or 1, p=1/2 S = 2*(np.random.rand() < 0.5) - 1 # D = sigma^2/2 ==> sigma = np.sqrt(2*D) Fbrown = np.sqrt(2*Dhat/h)*(dW - S) # "homolog paired" beads have half the diffusivity Fbrown[homolog_points] = Fbrown[homolog_points]/2 # estimate for slope at interval start K1 = f_conf_ellipse(x0, Aex, rx, ry, rz) + f_elas_homolog_rouse(x0, N, loop_list, k_over_xi) + Fbrown K1[tether_list] += f_tether_ellipse(x0[tether_list], Aex, rx, ry, rz) Fbrown = np.sqrt(2*Dhat/h)*(dW + S) # "homolog paired" beads have half the diffusivity Fbrown[homolog_points] = Fbrown[homolog_points]/2 x1 = x0 + h*K1 # estimate for slope at interval end K2 = f_conf_ellipse(x1, Aex, rx, ry, rz) + f_elas_homolog_rouse(x1, N, loop_list, k_over_xi) + Fbrown K2[tether_list] += f_tether_ellipse(x1[tether_list], Aex, rx, ry, rz) # average the slope estimates x0 = x0 + h * (K1 + K2)/2 if np.abs(t[i] - t_save[save_i]) < rtol*np.abs(t_save[save_i]): x[save_i] = x0 save_i += 1 return x
def plot_homologs(X1, X2, loop_list, ax=None): if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') points = ax.scatter(*X1[loop_list[:-1, 1], :].T, c='r', s=50) ax.plot(*X1.T) ax.plot(*X2.T) return points class HomologViewer(PolymerViewer): def __init__(self, r, N, loop_list): # will keep track of which *index* in the time axis should be used to # draw the current scene self.t = 0 self.N = N self.loop_list = loop_list self.points = None # define the actual axes layout self.fig = plt.figure() # area to plot polymers self.ax3d = plt.axes([0.05, 0.15, 0.9, 0.8], facecolor='w', projection='3d') self.r = r # area to plot "slider" for selecting what time to plot = plt.axes([0.1, 0.025, 0.8, 0.05], facecolor='lightgoldenrodyellow') self.update_ax_limits() # slider to control what "time" is plotted, (0,1) is rescaled total # simulation time units self.slider_t = Slider(, 't', 0, 1, valinit=0) # handler to check if the "time" slider has been moved self.slider_t.on_changed(self.update_t) @property def r(self): return self._r @r.setter def r(self, new_r): self._r = new_r self._x1, self._x2 = split_homologs_X(self._r, self.N, self.loop_list) self._num_time_points, self._num_beads, self._d = self._r.shape if hasattr(self, 'ax3d'): self.update_ax_limits() self.update_drawing() # should never be called before a Sim has been loaded successfully def update_drawing(self): num_polymers = 2 # if num_polymers != len(self.ax3d.lines): self.ax3d.lines = [] self.ax3d.plot(*self._x1[self.t].T, c='b') self.ax3d.plot(*self._x2[self.t].T, c='g') if self.points is not None: self.points.remove() del self.points self.points = self.ax3d.scatter(*self._x1[self.t,self.loop_list[:-1,1],:].T, c='r', s=50) # for i, r in enumerate([self._x1, self._x2]): # x, y, z = (self.r[self.t,:,0], self.r[self.t,:,1], # self.r[self.t,:,2]) # self.ax3d.lines[i].set_data(x, y) # self.ax3d.lines[i].set_3d_properties(z) # self.points.remove() # del self.points # self.points = self.ax3d.scatter(*self._x1[self.t,self.loop_list[:-1,1],:].T, c='r', s=50) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() def update_ax_limits(self): self.ax3d.set_xlim((np.nanmin(self.r[:,:,0]), np.nanmax(self.r[:,:,0]))) self.ax3d.set_ylim((np.nanmin(self.r[:,:,1]), np.nanmax(self.r[:,:,1]))) self.ax3d.set_zlim((np.nanmin(self.r[:,:,2]), np.nanmax(self.r[:,:,2]))) def update_t(self, val): if self.r is None: return # calculate value on slider new_t = int(round(val*self._num_time_points)) # bound it to 0, num_time_points-1 new_t = max(0, min(self._num_time_points-1, new_t)) self.t = new_t self.update_drawing()