Source code for wlcsim.analytical.rouse

"""Rouse polymer, analytical results.

There are two parameterizations of the "Rouse" polymer that are commonly used,
and they use the same variable name for two different things.

In one, N is the number of Kuhn lengths, and in the other, N is the number of
beads, each of which can represent an arbitrary number of Kuhn lengths.
from ..utils.math import spherical_jn_zeros
from bruno_util.mittag_leffler import ml as mittag_leffler

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.special
import spycial
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter, savgol_coeffs
from numba import jit
import mpmath

from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
import os

_default_modes = 10000

[docs]@jit def rouse_mode(p, n, N=1): """Eigenbasis for Rouse model. Indexed by p, depends only on position n/N along the polymer of length N. N=1 by default. Weber, Phys Rev E, 2010 (Eq 14)""" p = np.atleast_1d(p) phi = np.sqrt(2)*np.cos(p*np.pi*n/N) phi[p == 0] = 1 return phi
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def rouse_mode_coef(p, b, N, kbT=1): """k_p: Weber Phys Rev E 2010, after Eq. 18.""" # alternate: k*pi**2/N * p**2, i.e. k = 3kbT/b**2 return 3*np.pi**2*kbT/(N*b**2)*p**2
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def kp_over_kbt(p : float, b : float, N : float): """k_p/(k_B T) : "non-dimensionalized" k_p is all that's needed for most formulas, e.g. MSD.""" return (3*np.pi*np.pi)/(N*b*b) * p*p
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def linear_mid_msd(t, b, N, D, num_modes=_default_modes): """ modified from Weber Phys Rev E 2010, Eq. 24. """ rouse_corr = np.zeros_like(t) for p in range(1, num_modes+1): # k2p = rouse_mode_coef(2*p, b, N, kbT) # rouse_corr += 12*kbT/k2p*(1 - np.exp(-k2p*t/(N*xi))) k2p_norm = kp_over_kbt(2*p, b, N) rouse_corr += (1/k2p_norm)*(1 - np.exp(-k2p_norm*(D/N)*t)) # return rouse_corr + 6*kbT/xi/N*t return 12*rouse_corr + 6*D*t/N
[docs]def rouse_large_cvv_g(t, delta, deltaN, b, D): """Cvv^delta(t) for infinite polymer. Lampo, BPJ, 2016 Eq. 16.""" # k = 3*kbT/b**2 ndmap = lambda G, arr: np.array(list(map(G, arr))) G = lambda x: float(mpmath.meijerg([[],[3/2]], [[0,1/2],[]], x)) # we can use the fact that :math:`k/\xi = 3D/b^2` to replace # gtmd = ndmap(G, np.power(deltaN, 2)*xi/(4*k*np.abs(t-delta))) # gtpd = ndmap(G, np.power(deltaN, 2)*xi/(4*k*np.abs(t+delta))) # gt = ndmap(G, np.power(deltaN, 2)*xi/(4*k*np.abs(t))) # with the same formulas in terms of "D" gtmd = ndmap(G, np.power(deltaN, 2)*b*b/(4*3*D*np.abs(t-delta))) gtpd = ndmap(G, np.power(deltaN, 2)*b*b/(4*3*D*np.abs(t+delta))) gt = ndmap(G, np.power(deltaN, 2)*b*b/(4*3*D*np.abs(t))) # tricky conversion from Tom's formula # :math:`k_BT / \sqrt{\xi*k} = \frac{k_BT}{\xi} / \sqrt{k / \xi}` # and we know :math:`k/\xi = \frac{3D}{b^2}`. # so when the dust settles, # :math:`\frac{3k_BT}{\delta^2\sqrt{\xi k}} = \frac{b\sqrt{3D}}{\delta^2} # so instead of the expression from Tom's paper: # return 3*kbT/(np.power(delta, 2)*np.sqrt(xi*k)) * ( # np.power(np.abs(t - delta), 1/2)*gtmd # + np.power(np.abs(t + delta), 1/2)*gtpd # - 2*np.power(np.abs(t), 1/2)*gt # ) # we can simply return return b*np.sqrt(3*D)*np.power(delta, -2) * ( np.power(np.abs(t - delta), 1/2)*gtmd + np.power(np.abs(t + delta), 1/2)*gtpd - 2*np.power(np.abs(t), 1/2)*gt )
mod_file = os.path.abspath(__file__) mod_path = os.path.dirname(mod_file)
[docs]def end2end_distance(r, lp, N, L): """ For now, always returns values for ``r = np.linspace(0, 1, 50001)``. Parameters ---------- r : (N, ) float, array_like the values at which to evaluate the end-to-end probability distribution. ignored for now (TODO: fix) lp : float persistence length of polymer N : int number of beads in polymer L : float polymer length Returns ------- x : (5001,) float ``np.linspace(0, 1, 5001)`` g : (5001,) float :math:`P(|R| = x | lp, N, L)` Notes ----- Uses the gaussian chain whenever applicable, ssWLC tabulated values otherwise. If you request parameters that require a WLC end-to-end distance, the function will ValueError. """ Delta = L/(lp*(N-1)) # as in wlcsim code # WLC case actual_r = np.linspace(0, 1, 5001) if Delta < 0.01: # as in wlcsim code ValueError('end2end_distance: doesn\'t know how to compute WLC case!') # ssWLC case elif Delta < 10: # as in wlcsim code Eps = N/(2*lp*L) # as in wlcsim code file_num = round(100*Eps) # index into file-wise tabulated values file_name = os.path.join('pdata', 'out' + str(file_num) + '.txt') file_name = os.path.join(mod_path, file_name) G = np.loadtxt(file_name) return (actual_r, G) # GC case else: return (actual_r, end2end_distance_gauss(actual_r, b=2*lp, N=N, L=L))
[docs]def end2end_distance_gauss(r, b, N, L): """ in each dimension... ? seems to be off by a factor of 3 from the simulation....""" r2 = np.power(r, 2) return 3.0*r2*np.sqrt(6/np.pi)*np.power(N/(b*L), 1.5) \ *np.exp(-(3/2)*(N/(b*L))*r2)
[docs]def test_rouse_msd_line_approx(): """Figure out what Dapp is exactly using our analytical result. if we use msd_approx(t) = 3*bhat*np.sqrt(Dhat*t)/np.sqrt(3)*1.1283791(6) then ``|msd(t) - msd_approx(t)|/msd(t) = np.sqrt(2)/N*np.power(t, -1/2)``. ``msd_approx(t) > msd(t)`` in this range, so that means that ``msd_approx(t)/(np.sqrt(2)/N*np.power(t, -1/2) + 1) = msd(t)``. if we redefine msd_approx with this correction, the new relative error is about ``np.sqrt(2)/N/100*t**(-1/2)``? gotta see if this carries over to other chain parameters does not... this time msd(t) is bigger, so ``msd_approx = msd_approx(t)/(1 - np.sqrt(2)/N/100*t**(-1/2))``. okay actually looks like extra factor is additive? for N = 1e8+1; L = 25; b = 2; D = 1;, we have msd_approx(t) - msd(t) = 1.01321183e-07 for N = 1e8+1; L = 174; b = 150; D = 166;, we have msd_approx(t) - msd(t) = 5.2889657(3)e-05 for N = 1e8+1; L = 174; b = 15; D = 166;, we have msd_approx(t) - msd(t) = 5.2889657(3)e-06 for N = 1e8+1; L = 17.4; b = 15; D = 166;, we have msd_approx(t) - msd(t) = 5.2889657(3)e-07 for N = 1e8+1; L = 17.4; b = 15; D = 16.6;, we have msd_approx(t) - msd(t) = 5.2889657(3)e-07 (no change) for N = 1e7+1; L = 17.4; b = 15; D = 16.6;, we have msd_approx(t) - msd(t) = 5.2889657(3)e-06 (no change) so the answer is like 3*bhat*np.sqrt(Dhat*t)/np.sqrt(3)*1.1283791615 - 0.202642385398*b*L/N """ N = 1e8+1; L = 174; b = 150; D = 166; dt = 1e-2; Nt = 1e6; Nt_save = 1e4; t = np.arange(0, Nt*dt, dt); t_save = t[::int(Nt/Nt_save)]; Nhat = L/b; L0 = L/(N-1); Dhat = D*(N)/Nhat; bhat = np.sqrt(L0*b) plt.plot(tmsd, np.abs(msd_rouse - 3*bhat*np.sqrt(Dhat*tmsd)/np.sqrt(3)*1.12837916)/msd_rouse, 'k') plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log')
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def gaussian_G(r, N, b): """Green's function of a Gaussian chain at N Kuhn lengths of separation, given a Kuhn length of b""" r2 = np.power(r, 2) return np.power(3/(2*np.pi*b*b*N), 3/2)*np.exp(-(3/2)*r2/(N*b*b))
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def gaussian_Ploop(a, N, b): """Looping probability for two loci on a Gaussian chain N kuhn lengths apart, when the Kuhn length is b, and the capture radius is a""" Nb2 = N*b*b return spycial.erf(a*np.sqrt(3/2/Nb2)) - a*np.sqrt(6/np.pi/Nb2)/np.exp(3*a*a/2/Nb2)
@jit(nopython=True) def _cart_to_sph(x, y, z): r = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) if r == 0.0: return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 phi = np.arctan2(y, x) theta = np.arccos(z/r) return r, phi, theta def confined_G(r, rp, N, b, a, n_max=100, l_max=50): # first precompute the zeros of the spherical bessel functions, since our # routine to do so is pretty slow if l_max >= 86: # for l >= 86, |m| >= 85 returns NaN from sph_harm raise ValueError("l_max > 85 causes NaN's from scipy.special.sph_harm") if confined_G.zl_n is None or n_max > confined_G.zl_n.shape[1] \ or l_max > confined_G.zl_n.shape[0]: confined_G.zl_n = spherical_jn_zeros(l_max, n_max) # some aliases spherical_jn = scipy.special.spherical_jn Ylm = scipy.special.sph_harm zl_n = confined_G.zl_n[:l_max+1,:n_max] # convert to spherical coordinates r = np.array(r) if r.ndim == 1: x, y, z = r xp, yp, zp = rp # elif r.ndim == 2: # x = r[:,0] # y = r[:,1] # z = r[:,2] # xp = rp[:,0] # yp = rp[:,1] # zp = rp[:,2] else: raise ValueError("Don't understand your R vectors") r, phi, theta = _cart_to_sph(x, y, z) rp, phip, thetap = _cart_to_sph(xp, yp, zp) # compute terms based on indexing (ij in meshgrid to match zl_n) l, n = np.meshgrid(np.arange(l_max+1), np.arange(n_max), indexing='ij') ln_term = 2*np.exp(-b**2/6 * (zl_n/a)**2 * N) ln_term = ln_term/(a**3 * spherical_jn(l+1, zl_n)**2) ln_term = ln_term*spherical_jn(l, zl_n/a*r)*spherical_jn(l, zl_n/a*rp) # l,m terms m = np.arange(-l_max, l_max+1) l, m = np.meshgrid(np.arange(l_max+1), np.arange(-l_max, l_max+1)) lm_term = Ylm(m, l, phi, theta)*Ylm(m, l, phip, thetap) lm_mask = np.abs(m) <= l lm_term[~lm_mask] = 0 # now broadcast and sum G = np.sum(ln_term[None,:,:] * lm_term[:,:,None]) return G confined_G.zl_n = None
[docs]def linear_mscd(t, D, Ndel, N, b=1, num_modes=_default_modes): r""" Compute mscd for two points on a linear polymer. Parameters ---------- t : (M,) float, array_like Times at which to evaluate the MSCD D : float Diffusion coefficient, (in desired output length units). Equal to :math:`k_BT/\xi` for :math:`\xi` in units of "per Kuhn length". Ndel : float Distance from the last linkage site to the measured site. This ends up being (1/2)*separation between the loci (in Kuhn lengths). N : float The full lengh of the linear polymer (in Kuhn lengths). b : float The Kuhn length (in desired length units). num_modes : int how many Rouse modes to include in the sum Returns ------- mscd : (M,) np.array<float> result """ mscd = np.zeros_like(t) k1 = 3 * np.pi ** 2 / (N * (b ** 2)) sum_coeff = 48 / k1 exp_coeff = k1 * D / N sin_coeff = np.pi * Ndel / N for p in range(1, num_modes+1, 2): mscd += (1/p**2) * (1 - np.exp(-exp_coeff * (p ** 2) * t)) \ * np.sin(sin_coeff*p)**2 return sum_coeff * mscd
[docs]def ring_mscd(t, D, Ndel, N, b=1, num_modes=_default_modes): r""" Compute mscd for two points on a ring. Parameters ---------- t : (M,) float, array_like Times at which to evaluate the MSCD. D : float Diffusion coefficient, (in desired output length units). Equal to :math:`k_BT/\xi` for :math:`\xi` in units of "per Kuhn length". Ndel : float (1/2)*separation between the loci on loop (in Kuhn lengths) N : float full length of the loop (in Kuhn lengths) b : float The Kuhn length, in desired output length units. num_modes : int How many Rouse modes to include in the sum. Returns ------- mscd : (M,) np.array<float> result """ mscd = np.zeros_like(t) k1 = 12 * np.pi ** 2 / (N * (b ** 2)) sum_coeff = 48 / k1 exp_coeff = k1 * D / N sin_coeff = 2 * np.pi * Ndel / N for p in range(1, num_modes+1): mscd += (1 / p ** 2) * (1 - np.exp(-exp_coeff * p ** 2 * t)) \ * np.sin(sin_coeff * p) ** 2 return sum_coeff * mscd
[docs]def end_to_end_corr(t, D, N, num_modes=_default_modes): """Doi and Edwards, Eq. 4.35""" mscd = np.zeros_like(t) tau1 = N**2/(3*np.pi*np.pi*D) for p in range(1, num_modes+1, 2): mscd += 8/p/p/np.pi/np.pi * np.exp(-t*p**2 / tau1) return N*mscd