Source code for wlcsim.FrankElastic.yyyreal

from numpy import sqrt
from numpy import pi
import numpy as np
from .stonefence import ORDER_L

def a(ell, m):
    if ((3*(ell-m)*(ell+m))/(4*pi*(2*ell-1)*(2*ell+1))<0):
        print(ell, m)
        raise ValueError("negative value")

    return np.sqrt((3*(ell-m)*(ell+m))/(4*pi*(2*ell-1)*(2*ell+1)))

def apm(ell, m, pm):
    if 3*(ell+m)*(ell+m+pm)/(8*pi*(2*ell-1)*(2*ell+1)) < 0:
        print(ell, m, pm)
        raise ValueError("negative value")
    return np.sqrt(3*(ell+m)*(ell+m+pm)/(8*pi*(2*ell-1)*(2*ell+1)))
def ap(ell, m):
    return apm(ell, m, 1)
def am(ell, m):
    return apm(ell, m, -1)

Y00 = 1.0/sqrt(4*pi)

[docs]def YYYreal(m1,L,M,m2, ORDER_L): ''' YYYreal_{l_1,l_2} = \\int d\\vec{u} Y_{l_1, m1} Y_{L,M} Y_{l2,m2} Not able to handle all combiniations of inputs. Can only handle Y_{l_1,0} Y_{2,M} Y_{l_2,M} or Y_{l_1,M} Y_{2,M} Y_{l_2,0} or Y_{l_1,m_1} Y_{1,M} Y{l_2,m_2} or Y_{l_1,m_1} Y_{0,0} Y{l_2,m_2} ''' assert type(ORDER_L) == type(20), "ORDER_L must be an integer" assert abs(M) <= L, "l must be >= |m|" if m1 == 0 and L==2 and M==m2: return YYY_0mm(M, ORDER_L) if L==1: return YYY_l1(m1, M, m2, ORDER_L) if m2 ==0 and L==2 and M==m1: return np.transpose( YYY_0mm(M, ORDER_L) ) if L==0 and M==0: if m1 == m2: return np.identity(ORDER_L)/np.sqrt(np.pi*4) else: return np.zeros((ORDER_L,ORDER_L)) print(m1,L,M,m2) raise ValueError("Case not handeled")
# ----- Store precalculate Vaues ------ saveYYY = {}
[docs]def YYY(m1, L, M, m2, ORDER_L=ORDER_L): """ Same as YYYreal """ key = (m1, L,M, m2) if key in saveYYY: return saveYYY.get(key) else: value = YYYreal(m1, L, M, m2, ORDER_L) saveYYY[key] = value return value
[docs]def YYY_0mm(m, ORDER_L): """ Y_{ell1,0} Y_{2,m} Y_{ell2,m} """ out = np.zeros((ORDER_L, ORDER_L)) if m==0: for l1 in range(0, ORDER_L-2): out[l1, l1+2] = a(l1+1,0)*a(l1+2,0)/a(2,0) for l1 in range(0, ORDER_L): out[l1,l1] = (a(l1+1,0)**2 - a(1,0)*Y00 + a(l1,0)**2)/a(2,0) for l1 in range(2, ORDER_L): out[l1, l1-2] = a(l1,0)*a(l1-1,0)/a(2,0) elif abs(m) == 1: for l1 in range(0, ORDER_L-2): out[l1, l1+2] = ap(l1+1,0)*a(l1+2,1)/a(2,1) for l1 in range(abs(m), ORDER_L): out[l1, l1] = (ap(l1+1,0)*a(l1+1,1)-am(l1,0)*a(l1,1))/a(2,1) for l1 in range(abs(m)+2, ORDER_L): out[l1, l1-2] = -am(l1,0)*a(l1-1,1)/a(2,1) elif abs(m) == 2: for l1 in range(0, ORDER_L-2): out[l1, l1+2] = ap(l1+1,0)*ap(l1+2,1)/ap(2,1) for l1 in range(abs(m), ORDER_L): out[l1, l1] = -(ap(l1+1,0)*am(l1+1,-1)+am(l1,0)*ap(l1,1))/ap(2,1) for l1 in range(abs(m)+2, ORDER_L): out[l1, l1-2] = am(l1,0)*am(l1-1,-1)/ap(2,1) else: raise ValueError("m out or range") return out
def f(m): if m<0: return -1.0/sqrt(2) if m==0: return 0.0 if m==1: return 1.0 if m>1: return 1.0/sqrt(2) def fzz(m): if m<0: return -1.0/sqrt(2) if m==0: return 0.0 if m==1: return 0.0 if m>1: return 1.0/sqrt(2) def ftt(m): if m<-1: return -1/sqrt(2) if m==-1: return -1.0 if m==0: return 1.0 if m>0: return 1.0/sqrt(2)
[docs]def YYY_l1(m1,m,m2,ORDER_L): """ Y_{l1,m1} Y_{1,m} Y{l2,m2} """ out = np.zeros((ORDER_L, ORDER_L)) if m == 0: if m1 != m2: return out for l1 in range(0,ORDER_L-1): if l1<abs(m1) or l1+1<abs(m2): continue out[l1,l1+1] = a(l1+1,m1) for l1 in range(1,ORDER_L): if l1<abs(m1) or l1-1<abs(m2): continue out[l1,l1-1] = a(l1,m1) if m == 1: if m2 == m1+1: for l1 in range(0,ORDER_L-1): if l1<abs(m1) or l1+1<abs(m2): continue out[l1,l1+1] = ap(l1+1,m1)*f(m1+1) for l1 in range(1,ORDER_L): if l1<abs(m1) or l1-1<abs(m2): continue out[l1,l1-1] = -ap(l1,-m1-1)*f(m1+1) if m2 == m1-1: for l1 in range(0,ORDER_L-1): if l1<abs(m1) or l1+1<abs(m2): continue out[l1,l1+1] = -ap(l1+1,-m1)*f(m1) for l1 in range(1,ORDER_L): if l1<abs(m1) or l1-1<abs(m2): continue out[l1,l1-1] = ap(l1,m1-1)*f(m1) if m == -1: if m2 == -m1+1: for l1 in range(0,ORDER_L-1): if l1<abs(m1) or l1+1<abs(m2): continue out[l1,l1+1] = ap(l1+1,-m1)*fzz(m1) for l1 in range(1,ORDER_L): if l1<abs(m1) or l1-1<abs(m2): continue out[l1,l1-1] = -ap(l1,m1-1)*fzz(m1) if m2 == -m1-1: for l1 in range(0,ORDER_L-1): if l1<abs(m1) or l1+1<abs(m2): continue out[l1,l1+1] = ap(l1+1,m1)*ftt(m1) for l1 in range(1,ORDER_L): if l1<abs(m1) or l1-1<abs(m2): continue out[l1,l1-1] = -ap(l1,-m1-1)*ftt(m1) return out
#raise Exception('exit') # ------------------ Testing ---------------------------------- from scipy.special import sph_harm as Y from scipy.integrate import dblquad as intt
[docs]def ind_sphere(fun): """Integrate function on sphere. Args: fun (callable) : fun(theta, phi) """ def refun(phi, theta): return fun(theta, phi)*np.sin(theta) def gfun(x): return 0.0 def hfun(x): return 2*np.pi return intt(refun, 0, np.pi, gfun, hfun)[0]
[docs]def YR(m, ell, phi, theta): ''' Real spherical harmonic function. ''' if m<0: out = (1.0j/sqrt(2))*(Y(m, ell, phi, theta) - (-1)**m * Y(-m, ell, phi, theta)) if m==0: out = Y(m, ell, phi, theta) if m>0: out = (1.0/sqrt(2))*(Y(-m, ell, phi, theta) + (-1)**m * Y(m, ell, phi, theta)) if np.isnan(np.real(out)): import pdb pdb.set_trace() return np.real(out)
[docs]def intYYYnum(l1, m1, L, M, l2, m2): ''' Numerical integral over 3 spherical harmics ''' def num_YYY(theta, phi): return YR(m1, l1, phi, theta)*\ YR(M, L, phi, theta)*\ YR(m2, l2, phi, theta) return ind_sphere(num_YYY)
def testYYYreal(): ORDER_L=20 values = {} L = 1 for M in [-1,0,1]: elmax=5 mtrx = YYYreal(0, L, M, M, ORDER_L) for l1 in range(0,elmax): for l2 in range(abs(M),elmax): values[(l1,0,L,M,l2,M)] = mtrx[l1,l2] # compair mtrx[l1,l2] with Y_{l1,0} Y_{L,M} Y_{l2,M} L = 2 for M in [-2,-1,0,1,2]: m1=0 m2=M mtrx = YYYreal(m1,L,M,m2,ORDER_L) for l1 in range(abs(m1),elmax): for l2 in range(abs(m2),elmax): values[(l1,m1,L,M,l2,m2)] = mtrx[l1,l2] #compair mtrx[l1,l2] with Y_{l1,m1} Y_{L,M} Y_{l2,m2} for key, value in values.items(): print("-------------------") print(key) num = intYYYnum(*key) diff = abs(num - value) print(value) print(num) if diff > 0.00001 or np.isnan(diff): print("diff") print(diff) print("num") print(num) print("value") print(value) raise ValueError("Doesn't Match") #testYYYreal()